Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Repaying kindness

--by irishlori57, posted Jan 21, 2015
There are so many people who have done wonderful things for my son and me: family, friends, medical professionals, and complete strangers.

I have a friend who paid my rent for me when I couldn't. I have another friend who drove me to apply for food assistance because I was too depressed to drive. I had a counselor who helped me come out of the abyss -- she and my friends and family helped me so much. I have a very old car and a great mechanic. He fixes my car and doesn't try to take advantage of the fact that I don't know much about cars.

Regarding paying it forward: I was standing in line waiting to get my prescriptions when I noticed a woman and her two crying children having a discussion with the cashier. The Mom was trying to pay for her children's medications and she was $1.00 short. I thought to myself, she needs this dollar more than I do, so I went to the front of the line and gave her the dollar. I will never forget the way she smiled at me.
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Readers Comments

linda__C wrote: Your story was wonderful and i thank you for sharing. It reminded me of the story in the bible about the poor widow who gave only a few copper coins as an offering in the temple. Jesus told the disciples that she had in fact given more than the others, because she was giving all that she had.

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