Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pen Pals At The Airport

--by RipplesGuy, posted Sep 22, 2007
I travel a fair amount for work, and almost every hotel room I stay in has at least one pen.  If I pick it up even once to jot down a voice mail message or to scribble down a random idea that pops into my head, the pen usually ends up in my backpack and no matter how many times I have scolded myself to "LEAVE THE PENS" they somehow sneak home with me.

A few years ago on a trip home I was waiting in line at the airport gate counter and the agent was frustrated because a customer had inadvertently walked off with her last pen.  I opened up my backpack and sure enough there were 5 pens, so I handed over all five and said, "Keep the change!"  She was so appreciative of the small gesture that I began packing 5 pens for every trip.  The airline employees at my "home airport" came to count on the pens, so I began attaching little stickers that said "Paul Loves Northwest."

I am sometimes recognized at the airport as "the guy who always has pens" and as all my fellow helpers here at know so well, it just feels so darn GOOD when you are able to help out in such a tiny but useful way.

After reading another story on here -- Cold Hands -- I find myself trying to think of other THINGS I have that might be inexpensive (or free!) but valuable to someone else in a certain situation.   If you want to help, maybe you could post a comment to this story and help brainstorm every day items that might be helpful to others...
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brighteyes wrote: the story and your's a few suggestions:
*save any free stuff mailed to you and give away ( I get calendars, pins, keychains). I also get cards, mostly blank that many may find useless, I also carry aspirin or Motrin as well as bandages and stamps and give them out freely as work when a co-worker is hunting one of these down, I also collect coupons and other restaurant specials like 2 for 1 and give away, I type up little quotes or inspirational one liners and share with others, a carry spare change in my pockets and have covered others when short changed or if a few pennies are needed for the total- hope this is helpful..."Eyes" ;)
EePee wrote: Due to illness I have changed my complete outlook in life: I have/am learning to change all NEGATIVES INTO POSITIVES!! It feels great & I share this with EVERYONE I come into contact with!!
THANKS for sharing a great posting!!
JuneBug wrote: I always took the pens thinking it was okay and the hotel/motel expects you to...OOops! Maybe I'm wrong!....
honeychild wrote: Loved the story and thanks for encouraging me to also share more often. I will never be a millionaire, because I will give away the last dime if I had a lot of money. I cannot bear to see people struggle
aogrn wrote: Oh my this was a great story...As a would be writer I carry note laptop in my budget. I often hear folks say I wish I had a piece of paper,well here you go. I am always happy to supply that small thing.
Tigerlily wrote: Oh... This tickled me. Thank you. I have a friend that used to work in this office that always kept chocolate on hand in a candy dish in his office... he said, "If you can't be handsome... be handy." (Not to say that you aren't handsome... I wouldn't know... but, only to reinforce how HANDY you are.) oh... you know what I mean! :")
megs wrote: Awesome story!! Thanks!: )

denim1951 wrote: Thank you for sharing your story. I like to carry the smile cards with me and give them to people when I am out and about on errands. People really do enjoy them a lot. So I feel I am a blessing to people along the way.
upwiththesun wrote: I'v always got spare change for the person in front of me at the checkout when the amount comes to an odd amount!
pds wrote: I get lots of coupons (almost $10 off or $5 off) for baby formula brand i don't use and some sample containers from those companies too..Before I gave coupons to people/friends i know who is using that particular brand. Now don't know anyone, so placed coupons and formula containers in grocery store where they collect unused food items. I also get prenatal vitamins from my doc which i never use, so dropped them too at the same place rather than throwing it away.

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