Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Turning Point

--by MOSIE, posted Sep 23, 2007
I live with a gentleman friend and his fourteen year-old son; he and his son usually do not get along. know it's a problem for this adult to relate to his adolescent, even though the adult is 35 yrs. older.

The teen needed some fresh new white socks and some new boxers. I suggested to my male friend when we were shopping alone that "Issac" needs some clothes. My friend insisted that his son appreciates nothing and deserved nothing. I secretly purchased the items. I called my friend aside later, when everyone was home. I handed him the bag full of surprises and asked him to simply give it to Issac. I urged him to ask no questions.

He did as I requested. Issac's brown eyes shone when he saw the gifts and filled with tears as he read the SMILE card and hugged his dad. I will always treasure the moment when my friend started crying, realizing Issac thought he purchased the items. To date, it's been a turning point in their often rocky relationship.
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Readers Comments

irongrace wrote: Even the necessities can help some one out. thankyou for sharing your story.
irongrace wrote: Even the necessities can help some one out. thankyou for sharing your story.
brighteyes wrote: Mosie: Bless your sweet, loving, generous heart!
Wonderful story and very uplifting and here's to a stronger, healthier relationship for father and son.
Smiling "Eyes" ;)
EePee wrote: THANKS for sharing this; we so often forget, in the hectic of our lives, that it's so small things that count too!!
JuneBug wrote: This is great! You broke some barriers for this child and hopefully the parent so they can have a relationship...Good job, Mosie!!!
AURELIA wrote: How wonderful of you to see the potential there and good for your friend to do what you asked. I think God was working through you! Keep looking for more opportunities to help your friend show his son that he is important to him. Kids need their parent's unconditional love...especially teens! Issac needs his dad to show him how to act when he's a dad some day. ~Aurelia
Shirley wrote: What a wonderful gesture. Kudos to you for seeing a chance to do some good. It made me feel good to read it, so you must feel great for helping to reunite this relationship!
glenii wrote: That was such a nice thing to do, changing someones relationship for the better must make you feel really good.
Keep up the good work. =)

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