Readers Comments
brighteyes wrote: Hi Par:
Thanks for sharing this story about charity....I wholeheartedly agree and give gladly every month and every time I do, I always thank God for all the many blessings he has and is bestowing on me and also with this abundance provided, I can share with others less fortunate.
I firmly believe both the giver and receiver are rewarded for kindness and always feel great when I share and practice RAOKs.
Blessings to you, Brighteyes ;)
Thanks for sharing this story about charity....I wholeheartedly agree and give gladly every month and every time I do, I always thank God for all the many blessings he has and is bestowing on me and also with this abundance provided, I can share with others less fortunate.
I firmly believe both the giver and receiver are rewarded for kindness and always feel great when I share and practice RAOKs.
Blessings to you, Brighteyes ;)
EePee wrote: No matter what your religion, belief or creed, if only we would all come from the viewpoint that we are all one; if we respected each other many problems would be solved.
When faced with whatever challenge or problem, if only each of us would ask: WHAT WOULD LOVE DO?
When faced with whatever challenge or problem, if only each of us would ask: WHAT WOULD LOVE DO?
Alraisi wrote: Charity or Zakat is something all Muslims should do and that give Barakah for the money. Once Dr. Zakir Naik also said that he did a reasearch that if everyone in this world give Zakat from his money there will be no one poor in this whole world. How Wonderful would that be?! Thanks for sharing May Allah make your dreams become true. Keep It Up...!!!
Angel4eva wrote: your right!!
trying to make the world a better place is our goal.
trying to make the world a better place is our goal.
Ynco wrote: Thank you for this inspiration.
Sometimes it's nice to get the confirmation of my intense believe that "I get what I give, and when I give what I gave, I get what I got".
It's all so universal what we share, it lifts above boundries, religion and all human made concepts, could it be ........ love .......... ? ........
Be the change, thanx !!! Ynco
Sometimes it's nice to get the confirmation of my intense believe that "I get what I give, and when I give what I gave, I get what I got".
It's all so universal what we share, it lifts above boundries, religion and all human made concepts, could it be ........ love .......... ? ........
Be the change, thanx !!! Ynco
happyncheerful wrote: MashAllah that's REALLY beautiful. JazakAllah for sharing.
Mohd Akbar wrote: Undoubtedly, Zakath is the best way to distribute the income, which can be set in different stratas of the society. May this concept enters into the minds of the people at large, all over the world, irrespective of the religion, and it can do wonders. Allah Hafiz.