Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by klondikekid, posted Oct 2, 2007

As far as ex-husbands go, I can put up with the father of my kids to a point.  About 4 years ago, he had been diagnosed with throat cancer.  I don't usually say much about things because I don't want it to sound like I'm bragging,  Throughout his treatment and hospitalizations, I was there for him.  I even took off work to take the kids to see him in the hospital.  I didn't think anything of it, I just did what needed to be done. 

The point of my story is this.  Today, I had to have surgery on my right hand, of course I'm right handed.  When I spoke with my ex-husband one day, he said he could pick me up and take me home.  He had to open and close the car door for me.  I live in a community where the mail boxes are all together, with locks.  He got my mail for me.  When we got to my place, I needed him to unlock my door. 

There's plenty of times when we help each other out but today was different.  I thanked him for his help (usually do) but what he said meant a lot.  He said he was glad to be able to help me out, for all the times I helped him when was sick.  He's getting a smile card. 

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: I'm so glad you were able to be there for him in his time of need and you received the same kindness from him when you needed it most. ~Aurelia
laurissa wrote: as my parents are divorced i understand where you are comming from and to this day my parents dont speak to each other nor in that situation would help each other out. which should be diffrent for the bond they once shared and us kids so i think it is really strong and coragous for you to do that in a time of need and him at the same time
sweetviolet wrote: thank you for showing how true kindnesses pay forward
Tigerlily wrote: Oh. There is nothing sweeter nor sadder than two who have loved and chosen to part and yet remain "there" for each other. Perhaps you are blessed as well. Godspeed to the both of you!
Angel4eva wrote: your husband sounds very sweet
lovebug wrote: It does make my heart happy to know your ex-husband recognized you were ther for him, most of us never recgonize the small blessing in life, because they are small. God bless you for letting him help you.
bibirose wrote: As we say in Australia "Onya" to you & your ex husband.
EePee wrote: Thanks for sharing this heart warming experience of being there for one another.
When we come from the viewpoint of automatically treating others the way we wished to be, then most of our problems would be solved!!
parsaakbar wrote: Hi klondikekid,
There are certain aspects in life that we have full control on and then they are some that we don't have any control on.

I will tell you a story that I really believe in

A father and 2 sons live in a single room. The father used to come home drunk every day and watch TV disturbing the children at there study time.

The elder son concentrated on his study while the younger son followed his father's footsteps.

As adult the older boy got the award for excellence as a citizen of the town while the younger went to Jail for petty crimes.

When they were interviewed, the younger said "I became like this because of my father" and the elder brother also replied "I became like this because of my father and unhappy home atmosphere, coz of which I became more determined to be diffrent."

Like the elder brother in the story you have choose to help your ex as a human being without expecting anything in return. And he realises that not every ex would not help "there may be some bitter sweet memories of the previous relationship" unless they are really pure good human at heart. That is why I think he helped you needed help.

May God bless you for being good and kind.

Keep smiling:)
brighteyes wrote: Klondike:

THANKS for sharing your story.

I love all the comments you received especially Parsa's and "E''s as I firmly believe what we give out, we get back (not that we do to get back).
You respected and helped your ex and he reciprocated and that is fantastic.
We are all one family regardless or our pasts and hurts....


God Bless you both,
Smiling Brighteyes ;)

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