Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Taking Time For Granted

--by carolynmcdonough, posted Jan 28, 2015
Far too often, I take time for granted. I am always trying to fit as many things as possible into my day, never taking time to stop and just be.

While I acknowledge that we all have a finite time to spend on this earth, I also need to accept that I will never complete everything I want to complete, and I need to simply slow down every once in a while and take a little time to appreciate the life around me, the little things that so often go unnoticed.

The fragrant lilacs blooming outside my bedroom window, the hummingbird hovering at the feeder in my backyard, the Canada geese heading in their long "V" as they head for parts unknown.

I, like so many others, seem to take for granted the assumption that there will always be another time to pause and "smell the roses." I know I cannot assume that - the time to take the time is today.
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Readers Comments

sandyremillar wrote: It's a good start you recognize it's time to smell the roses. You will feel lovelier for it!

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