Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Cell Phone On The Curb

--by mlsmolens, posted Sep 25, 2007
I am visiting my oldest daughter and 2 grandsons in Coconut Grove, Miami Florida, and walking home from a wonderful lunch in the Grove with my 4 year old grandson on my head. Tonight is Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year in the Jewish religion, my family is all together - life couldn't be better.

I notice a shiny new cellphone lying on the curb, which someone had obviously dropped.  We were a block away from the busy area of the Grove, and I thought for a moment - "If I leave it, someone could pick it up and not return it, or maybe the owner would return and retrace their steps to see where it might have dropped."  On the other hand, I thought, "If I pick it up, for sure they will call and have their phone returned." 

So I picked it up, walked the half mile back to my daugher's house, with Daniel on my head as I try to explain to him why I picked up the phone.  While walking into the house, the phone rang, and a frantic woman's voice asked who I was, and why I picked up the phone.  I calmed her down, explained why I picked it up, and gave her directions to the house. 

When she arrived a few minutes later, before she could say anything, I handed her the phone with a smile card, and said to her to please give the card to someone else she does a similar good deed for.  The look on her face, and how I felt inside, were beyond words, and this feeling cannot be purchased, bottled or duplicated without it coming from the heart!
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Readers Comments

Tigerlily wrote: Marvelous. I'm thrilled that you shared that story... and as a sidenote, my youngest daughter's name is Aliyah, which I stole from the Jewish Religion for the obvious reason. Peace be with you.
keymaker wrote: What a great idea! I've actually found two phones, but never quite thought of holding onto it to receive the call. And the fact that you shared the joy of such unexpected kindness with your grandson make it all the more precious. :)
JuneBug wrote: Oh my gosh!!You are wonderful!!!
Aurelia wrote: What a perfect way to celebrate Yom Kippur! Your grandson learned an imortant lesson from you, Grandpa! That's what you're here for. I'm so happy you had a smile card to share also. Blessing and happiness always. ~Aurelia
Shirley wrote: What a beautiful story. It's exactly what I"d want someone to do for me if I ever lost mine. Thank you for making this woman's day. :0)
senga988 wrote: Thank you for being so honest and passing on your smile card. I know that it will go a long way in doing good now. Blessings to you in your "new" year.
smilee121 wrote: God bless you. We need more people like you in our world today. And more parents-
gramdparents setting examples for our kids. Here's a big...THANK YOU!!!! :)
God bless.......
only1tatia wrote: My daughter was riding her bike and found a cell phone in the road..almost perfect condition, just a few scratches... She called a person listed in the cell phone owners "address book" and was able to locate the owner.

My daughter is only 12 and I was so proud of her when she demanded that we find the owner immediately.

It is so nice there are honest people still out there! God bless you!
smoothsugardoll wrote: The world needs more good people like you. May your life be richly blessed.

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