Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Kind Gesture At The Carpark

--by davidwoon, posted Sep 29, 2007
I was waiting for quite a while to get into a crowded parking lot. Then a car drove out and I quickly drove my car into its spot. However, the car suddenly stopped and the driver came out and walked towards me.

I wondered if I did something wrong? I was worried for a moment but my fears evaporated when the driver handed me his parking coupon which was still valid for another half an hour :)

What a kind & thoughtful act! From that day, I made the decision to act similarly whenever possible - kindness indeed begets more kindness!
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Readers Comments

Angel4eva wrote: THATS GREAT!!
parsaakbar wrote: Hi, davidwoon
That was really thoughtful of the guy to give the the ticket and it was good human inside you that recognised the Deed and though that you will do it next time. Believe me david if we all start helping each other and the chain neverstops this world will be a better place to live.

Keep smiling,
AURELIA wrote: David, I would have been startled too. Isn't it wonderful how one good deed has now caused you to be more aware of things you too can do to help our world become a kinder place. ~Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: Now that is a new, creative cool to be the kindness recipient, huh?
Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
Icewolf wrote: That's pretty cool. I'll try to do that next time I use a ticketed parking spot :).

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