Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by kelpies, posted Oct 3, 2007

today i saw a white dove

today i think im falling in love

today i smiled and had a laugh

today i spoke to the best friend i have

today will be like tommorrow so feel the love

because i have been sent an angel from above

there is an angel out there they will shine in your life dont look for the angel the angel will find you   

hugssssss for all with love

1898 Reads

Readers Comments

saralise wrote: you are the Angel in my life today~
Nickgrand wrote: That is an awesome poem keep it up!
Angel4eva wrote: wonderful poem
AURELIA wrote: Kelpies!!!! I love it!!! I feel the Love sweetie and I'm glad my angel is watching over me. Thank you for such beautiful thoughts. ~Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: kelpies....great poem...thanks for sharing...definitely believe in angels and their presence in all our lives...we just need to ask for assist and we've got it...also believe in earth angels (ones without wings) that come into our lives here as well...thank GOD for them all.

Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
aladydane wrote: Awwwww, so beautiful babes, my heart has been gently touched by these words. Another look in the window of a very special soul, hugssssssssss! Never forget to laugh, forever will you be young in heart.
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi kelpies
Such a nice and light poem flying with love,doves and angels.
Hugs, love, and smiles.

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