Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Unexpected Light

--by brighteyes, posted Oct 8, 2007

"As I waited at a busy intersection in our city  for the red light to change to green,  I glanced left; seeing an elderly man groping about on the curb.

He had fallen off of his motorized cart which had lurched a few yards ahead of him, and was crawling off the sidewalk onto the road to pick up his front basket ( which was now in the path of oncoming traffic).

Without a second thought, I rushed over to help him to his feet, and although unsteady and shaken, I was able to walk him to his cart, and help him back onto the seat and reattach his basket. As he glanced up at me, he smiled and said, “Thank you.”

I made sure that he was OK to continue on and then I returned to my car, which I had left at the intersection.

Nobody was honking. They just stared at me. In fact, one pedestrian looked at me from across the street and gave me a big smile and a thumb’s up.

The ironic thing is that I am a big man, usually dressed in biker gear and known to cast a big shadow. Most people avoid me and would think I'd be the last person to offer a helping hand to someone in need. Looks can be deceiving!

The smile on that gentleman's face made my day and put smiles on the faces of many others around me."

Story by C.Pearce

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Readers Comments

Flipper wrote: Looks can be deceiving! I do a lot of charity work and when most people meet me they are very surprised for I am not what they expect. Most people in my community are used to the way I dress and my unique different hair style, but going outside the community ... LOL
AURELIA wrote: Good for you to act so quickly!!! I'm glad he was OK. I would have been so afraid and not know what to do. You made me really think about actly quickly and follow my heart and God will take care of the rest. God Bless. ~Aurelia
makesomeonesmile wrote: Thanks for sharing brighteyes. I love the quotes at the end!
Rice wrote: Judge not a book by it's cover! You're proof! Thank you. I truly believe what goes around comes around. In his day, I'm sure that elderly man didn't hestitate to help someone. When the time comes someone won't hesitate to help you and so on!
brighteyes wrote: I did not write this story and am not a male or one who usually wears guys had ME LAUGHING....see note at story end story by.....
PamelaJo wrote: ...opportunities for kindness.....what a wonder-filled thought to carry into the weekend:) Thanks for sharing:)
Angel4eva wrote: i was gonna say you deffinetley sound like a girl and i am usually not wrong about these sort of things
Angel4eva wrote: i was gonna say you deffinetley sound like a girl and i am usually not wrong about these sort of things
Angel4eva wrote: i was gonna say you deffinetley sound like a girl and i am usually not wrong about these sort of things
Angel4eva wrote: i was gonna say you deffinetley sound like a girl and i am usually not wrong about these sort of things

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