Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Infectious Smiles Around the World

--by Anonymous, posted Oct 11, 2007
Smiling is contagious
You can catch it like the flu
When someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too.

I pasted around the corner
And someone saw my grin
And when he smiled I realised
That I'd passed it on to him

I thought about that smile
Then I realised it's worth
A single smile just like mine
It could travel round the earth

So if you feel a smile begin
Don't leave it undetected
Lets start an epidemic QUICK
And get the world infected.

By Anonimous
6207 Reads

Readers Comments

Tikit wrote: Great Little poem! It's so easy to smile, and yes it's contagious.
laurina wrote: Great reminder! Thanks!
smoothsugardoll wrote: Thanks so much for a beautiful,fulfilling poem. God bless you.
doright wrote: ditto, ditto, ditto.Catchy but true & Always Worthwhile.
Shirley wrote: I love this poem, it's one of my favorites! I used to post it at my desk to remind me to smile more often. :0)
mitu915 wrote: i LOVE this! it's so endearing and so neatly conveys the meaning through a flowing set of rhymes. awesome! i'll have to tack this up in my room and at work! :)
jojomcb wrote: this is my very favorite
katlampi wrote: This is so true! Actually it reminds me of the movie "Pay It Forward" -- our little acts of kindness and friendliness (such as smiling or holding the door for someone) are contagious and can make such a big difference in the lives of those around us.
Maisie wrote: I love this poem rachels challenge came to our school and my teacher had it up on the door with pictures of our class matess on it.

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