Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Friends in Need

--by jimandbee, posted Oct 12, 2007
In 1987, our 18 year old daughter starting feeling bad.  At first we thought she was run down from dieting.  She went through all kinds of tests.  Our family doctor had exhausted everything she knew to do.  She suggested we go see an infectious disease doctor.  He immediately diagnosed endocarditis which is an infection that if antibiotics can't knock it out a person's mitral valve has to be replaced.  He thought that because she was so young antibiotics would rid her of the infection. 

Unfortunately this was not the case.  Open heart surgery must be performed.  In 1987, blood testing for Aids was not nearly so accurate as it is today.    We decided that we only wanted direct donors of blood.  We did not want her to have to worry about contracting Aids because of blood transfusions.  We had a very limited time to get the donors so that the blood could be processed.  When our friends heard of our daughter's health problem and asked, "What can I do to help?"  We immediately said, "She needs type A positive blood.  And she needs it within the next 12 hours. 

My husband and I hated to put a time limit on our very generous and very busy friends  but we had no choice.  Many of our friends rushed to be tested but were the wrong blood type.  We were able to get the 12 pints of blood she might need in plenty of time for the surgery.   The rest of the story is she made a complete recovery with the help of our wonderful friends.

Thank you,
Bee Jones
1873 Reads

Readers Comments

Angel4eva wrote: i hope your daughter is doing well
Tigerlily wrote: Wonderful friends... and a happy ending. My sister, by the way, has a mechanical heart valve... so... we share a common ground, I think. God bless you.
Tikit wrote: I hope that your daughter is doing well now. Kindness and generosity will always make a person feel better, but here's an example where it can actually save a life.

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