Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Thoughts on Simple Living

--by Anonymous, posted Jan 9, 2015
On this eve of the 21-Day Simple Living challenge I'm sitting in reflection of what the term simple means to me.

Over the past two+ years I've taken step after step, some conscious others not at all, towards simplifying my life. As such I've stepped into a much slower, much more mindful day-to-day existence although it's often I step back into the busy and faster pace that I once knew. I believe Duane shared on a few Awakin calls ago that in simplifying we have the opportunity to realize what really matters most to us.

That also has shown truth for me, as I stepped into forming Wild Dream Walks, an organization that uses walking as a tool to connect community and lead people down the path of what matters to them most. This alone has given me the opportunity to serve from my heart for many people. This year I created a personal commitment to widen my daily practice of slowing down by walking the next 365 days with a new person each day.

Surprisingly, in just the first 8 days of this commitment, my world has expanded exponentially. In fact, earlier this week I was rushed out the door by a friend to meet with someone new that "I just had to connect with". In my rush, I mistakenly turned my stove to high instead of off. An hour later I got a voicemail from my property manager saying they had called the fire department as a neighbor had complained of smoke coming from my new home. Of course, I raced home the second I listened to this message. Upon entering, the still standing home, I found a note from the fire department saying they had entered, put out the charred pot of garbanzo beans, and that no damage was done. At the bottom of this very formal note, was the following statement in italics, "Everyone Comes Home". Such a simple and profound reminder. I'm thankful for the lesson in slowing down, again (rather than learning the lesson of rebuilding a home).

The incident reminded me of a friends mother (she's in the picture), who years ago, took me on a walk down her Ecuadorian town's street. I remember trying so hard to walk at her slow pace only my slowest pace was still so fast. At times, I had to count to 15 between each step to stay by her side. The entire time all she would say to me was "slow" and then she would smile and walk even slower. The thing was I physically felt like I could not go any slower at the time.

The truth was I just needed to choose to go slower which I eventually did, even though it felt incredibly uncomfortable. It's a sticky thing, living a life that matters to you most and living it simply and slowly. For me, it's a constant choice. Sometimes I choose to speed up, and get little smoky reminders, in return. Other times I choose simply and even then opportunities arise to quicken the pace. This is why I've joined the 21-Day Simple Living Challenge, so I can continue my practice of choosing simple, choosing what matters most, and doing that in connection with others wanting to do the same. 
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Readers Comments

desireeann wrote: This is beautiful! A clear reminder of how much beauty can be seen when we go take a break and give time to breathe everything in. I always love walks. Especially afternoon walks. The idea of sharing it different people sounds nice. Thanks for sharing your story! :)
radhi98 wrote: Inspiring story.
1952sallysmith wrote: What a great idea to walk with someone new every day. Very encouraging.
Virginia wrote: When we get in a hurry we either lose something of value or create a situation for an error. You were fortunate. Slowing down is not hard when you view it as a pleasure - almost a necessity - in today's world.
dharmadonkey wrote: I just looked up your organization--wdw--and i have to say wow--the dream world is proud of you!
Walk on--
summerfall62 wrote: Add a four legged companion to this and you have a recipe better than any blood pressure or anti depressant pill, and it is free. How brave of all of you to share and support each other, with strangers no less. Change your world one step at a time, may all of your dreams come true, peace.
Roger wrote: Thank you for that reminder. I was in great need of that just now!
Nicole Huguenin wrote: Thank you all so much for the kind words and comments. Each time i re-read what i wrote i get the reminder to continue to slow and then the reminder, via the comments, that others are doing the same. It's nice to know that.
trap108 wrote: I so loved this story. I am on a new journey myself & it is to learn how to slow down. Sometimes i run around so fast looking for excitement that i miss what's right in front of me. Thank you
ogarciapiedramd wrote: I've been in a hurry all of my life. Couldn't wait to "move on" ever when an opportunity surfaced. Every day i get a comment, usually my wife or a loved one (my kids, mother-in-la, sister, friends), or a "look" with a message to slow down. I actually enjoy the relax, sit back, look around, smell surroundings, listen to nature, pet a pet, give a hand, say a prayer, hug a stranger, say good morning, remember the dead, cry for them, and so many other things that require a slower pace than the one i am carrying at the time. Reflecting on those slower moments, i usually accept them as wisdom builders, and go on with my faster pace.

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