Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Acute Depression

--by livid, posted Oct 14, 2007

I suffer from depression and take medication daily in an attempt to correct the situation. Like most people who have depression you don't want it known and tend to keep it to yourself.

Today at work we were faced with a situation where an employee was struggling with work, this had been the case for a while. Some of the other staff made comment that he seemed very down and was not performing his work tasks well. I thought to myself "I bet he is depressed". I made a point at lunchtime of going out to see him. You could tell straight away that he is suffering from acute depression. I am no medico but have seen that look many times in the mirror. Anyway I asked him to come to my office for a chat and explained that I have a few "challenges" in my life with depression and that I though that maybe he had too.

Well it was like the weight of the world had been taken off his shoulders. He told me that yes he had depression and was seeking assistance. I shared my views with him and importantly told him that unless a person has it they will never ever understand how tough it is. Anyway he now has someone he would never have dreamed of to talk to about his challenge who can listen and be sympathetic. I feel good about what I have done but at the time I had to decide to tell him my own situation so that he would open up to me. I am not suggesting that people who have depression should broadcast their position as I would not, but if you see the signs in someone else give them a few words of encouragement, you may need it back yourself someday.

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Readers Comments

harshvmehta wrote: hmmm...good... keep it up..
JuneBug wrote: I can relate , and you are right, a few encouraging words are very important! Good job!!!!
eleutheria wrote: Knowing that someone else understand makes such a difference, and your not the only one. You did good! :)
imaniceperson wrote: You've done a great thing! Everyone can help others if they have good hearts and aren't judgemental of others. After all, no one is perfect. I have a bipolar Mother in Law so I've learned to recognize the 'signs' of an upcoming shift. One of my friends has a daughter who has been diagnosed with the same condition. He has been reluctant to discuss but once I told him of my awareness we've been able to speak freely about ways to help our family members. Together we've been able to help each other. Through this open conversation we have become Great friends because we trust each other. Those suffering with depression can definitely be helped by those who understand. You may have saved a life. You should be proud of yourself. Helping those in need is good for the soul. I'm sure you just made a new best friend. Keep it up!
lovebug wrote: We really do live in a enlightened age, I grewup in a generation when people never would use the word depression, but today we are educated and know every human has some kind of problem, so we get together with others who have learned to cope. It is great to know we are not victims, but survivors. Thank you for being a encourager, it does help to talk.
warmth wrote: Yes very true. This is way to build confidence in the other person and help them lessen their problem.
Thank u so much for sharing ur experience here. Have a Grt Day
Angel4eva wrote: thats a gr8 thing to do keep up the good work
Teresa wrote: Good job! I joke about it often with my co-workers. My favorite is that PROZAC is my best friend -- it allows me to be a better person. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the body, don't be ashamed of it.
pluto178 wrote: You did absolutely the right thing and you should never feel discomfort at telling others you have mental health problems. You wouldn't be ashamed to tell people you have appendicitis, brain health is just health in a different part of the body. Keep up the good work and be proud of who you are x

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