Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Painting Mindil with Smiles

--by FREEhugsROCK, posted Oct 14, 2007

I live in a small town in the north of Australia. It's not much and it's only starting to be a little more known because some scenes in the movie "Australia" are being filmed there. However, before the movie and resident of my town would tell you that it's famous for Mindil. For people who don't know, Mindil is referring to the Mindil Beach Markets which are held on Mindil beach every Thursday and Sunday night in the dry season. So that's the basics you need to know.

I was down at mindil on Thursday night last week in the last few days of my holidays. It was busy and there was lots going on. I had recently received my 70 smile cards all the way from America. I was excited and ready to paint a smile on the face of Mindil. I went prepared. Bright coloured clothed, rainbow shoelaces and earrings with smiles on them.

I decided I would first take a walk and look around. As always there was lots to see but I was on the look out for people with anything but a smile on their face. When I saw an individual who looked less than happy, I caught their eye, handed them a smile card and encouraged them to have a good day, and pass it on. I also gave out the smile cards to the buskers, along with any money I had in my wallet. I spent quite a bit but the reactions I got were well worth it. 

In my wandering travels I spotted an old friend of my mothers. Originally from Indonesia she was in her late 60s and had never spoken really good English. She had set up her chair near her son who was busking and was totally oblivious to all the people walking past her. I couldn't help going up to her and saying hello because I had not seen her in some time. She was overjoyed to see me and asked what I had been doing, etc. In a mix of Indonesian and English I told her about the smile cards and gave her one. She seemed unsure as to what she should do with it. I told her, "Pass it on" she nodded in understanding and poked the next person who passed her in the leg (the height she was sitting down). "Here" she said, "Have a smile from me and" she looked at me for a moment, "Pass it on"

The man was obviously shocked at this sudden outburst from a little old lady but when he saw the card he couldn't help but smile. He thanked her and gave it to somebody else. Soon the card was out of sight.

However, just before I went home later a little kid (about 7) came up to me and gave me a smile card saying "pass it on" !!! I was amazed! Things travel pretty fast!
I rode off on my bike in my bright clothes smiling my head off. But not before I gave the smile card to the parking supervisor and said:

"PASS IT ON!!!!"


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Readers Comments

butterfly wrote: i love it!!!!! you are an amazing and inspiring angel. thank you. i love the expression you said : smiling my head off! certainly made me smile!
Angel4eva wrote: thats a great story
smoothsugardoll wrote: I just ordered some I can't wait to get started.
laurina wrote: What a wonderful way to use your smile cards and get the smiles moving around!
Shirley wrote: Fantastic! You've inspired me to order some cards myself. Sounds like you really started something. :0)

P.S. Free hugs forever!! For anyone who wants to find out more visit
jojomcb wrote: awesome......
Merv wrote: Thanks, there's a farmers market two nights from now!!!!!
JuneBug wrote: That day had to be so fun for you! Smiles are so catching....:}...Here's one back to you! Continue to keep smiling....
student wrote: Great story =)
pattyjw59 wrote: That is so cool!! What a great thing you did! And you taught us some Aussie facts at the same time too! God bless you, have a joyous day!

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