Readers Comments
Lauren wrote: You are amazing!
h.wirrell wrote: What a beautiful idea. Thank you for sharing - and you've inspired me to do this next christmas.
butterfly4evr wrote: You're blessed with a wonderful spirit. Thank you for being you.
muraribahl wrote: Great job. May god bless you
lindariebel wrote: What an example you are setting.
Lakshmi wrote: What a great inspiration! Thanks for sharing, i'm always thinking about ways to remember my mom and this is the kind of act i remember her doing. I will do the same in her memory.
Please keep sharing your acts.
Have a great sunshiny day!
Please keep sharing your acts.
Have a great sunshiny day!
Deepak wrote: Thank you for being who you are.
Deepak wrote: Thank you for being who you are.
Kristin Pedemonti wrote: Thank you for sharing what was needed and also for sharing your heart and seeing the human being in front of you. I too have done this in several us cities, sharing hot soup, clean socks, hugs and conversation. Just sitting and listening. My own income has been quite low,however we always have arms to reach out and hug and ears to listen and even something small to share. Thank you again for your beautiful story.
antenbunny wrote: Wonderful story. Know you have been an angel in someones life.