Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by laurita, posted Oct 16, 2007
A lady staggered across the road in front of me.  She was crying.  Pedestrians stared but no-one helped.  The light turned green and there was a line of cars behind me.  I pulled away but became anxious for her.  I felt God was asking me to go back.  When I got back, there were so many people everywhere but she was nowhere to be seen.  "Lord, if You need me to help, show me where she is” I prayed. 

As I turned into the direction she was headed, reality hit me.  This was one of the most unsafe areas in town and I was on my own.  I began to feel angry at myself. “Is this really God or me being over-emotional” I wondered.  After all, someone would surely help her.  I decided to turn into the next road that would lead me out of there.  I did and there she was, still staggering and crying.  I stopped. We spoke and I asked if I could pray for her.  She agreed. 

Perhaps on this day, this lady needed to see that there was good in the world in order to be able to get past the bad that she had just experienced.  It also taught me that sometimes helping others can be difficult for us, but we must persevere.

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Laurita, What a compassionate act. Prayer is strong and you helped that person realize our world still does have goodness. GOod work. ~Aurelia
Sasha wrote: In God we must trust and He'll do the rest. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story.
denim1951 wrote: sometimes its hard to do the right thing because we are afraid to get hurt too. But sometimes we have to go that extra mile to help someone and it will bring us a blessing too.
Flipper wrote: If it was always easy, then would it really be giving? I think that sometimes the right things to do is sometimes the hardest at particular times! I have been tested more than once.
lovebug wrote: I have also been tested and found myself wanting, to be the perfect soul, who will give whatever help is needed at the exact moment, I have found myself inefficient in being the savior for man kind, I always thought God provided Christ to do that job.
aliennore wrote: We should always trust God in whatever way.With prayers it helps us to be closer to God.It is he that enable us to do kindness.Remember God is our creator never ever forget Him
heavenlyangel wrote: Its always hard being the one who gives help to others and stands out from the crowd she must be really grateful. To rise someone's self esteem is a hard job.
heavenlyangel wrote: Its always hard being the one who gives help to others and stands out from the crowd she must be really grateful. To rise someone's self esteem is a hard job.
laurita wrote: Hi lovebug,
I definitely agree that Christ is our Saviour but we are an extension of His hands, feet and voice of love.
JuneBug wrote: Sometimes in these situations, we have to ask ourselves, ''What would Jesus do?'' I believe you did just that....

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