Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Meeting A Couple That Was Living In A Tent.

--by ihaveneatstuff, posted Oct 17, 2007

They were too proud to take the offer of shelter.  They said they were doing fine.  We visited their tent and realized that there was much they still needed to stay warm in the coming months. 

Having been homeless ourselves, in the past, we knew from experience what they would need.  We came home and went through all of our stuff.  Socks, blankets, long underwear, sweaters, coats, a plastic tarp, a large plastic container that would seal. The list goes on but you get the idea.  We took the items to them and gave them rides to the Social Security office to get their cards, helped them get their photo id's.  That in turn allowed them to get work.

I'm happy to report that they no longer live in the tent.  They just moved into their own apartment here and we live just a jog from his work. 

We see them every Sunday at church.  It's a thrill to see the pride in their faces and am so blessed to have been a part of it.  It never fails to amaze me that the human spirit can accomplish so much more when it is given a hand-up rather a hand-out.

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: I know what it is like to be homeless and ,believe me, I'm sure your kindness went farther than you realize!!!
lovebug wrote: I have to admit to my own limitations. I volunteer for a mission who's statement is "a hand-up rather than a hand-out". I however seem to be a fence sitter, I never know in advance, which way I will lean. The hand-up or the hand-out. From my view point this is the only part of my life that seems to be in balance. It's 50-50. Today was special, a man I consider a mentor in my spiritual walk stopped by to tell me I was really getting stronger in the hand-up department, so I came home with hope.
makesomeonesmile wrote: Good for you for taking the time to care and make a difference! The world is a brighter place because of people like you!
EePee wrote: What an awesome story Ihaveneatstuff!!
You are a good person & I thank you for sharing it.

Lovebug I am learning to come from a mindset which is open to change. This is one of the most valuable lessons I've learnt.
A few more:
"What would LOVE do now?" in every situation; (It feels so right!)
"We are all here to evolve";
"I am my only limitation".
Angel4eva wrote: That is so nice because of that i have given you 4 smiles i cannot belive how kind you are thats so sweet
AURELIA wrote: Hey NeatStuff! You are incredible! It's so wonderful that you reached out to them. Having gone through the same experience you knew exactly what they needed. I'm proud of you for seeing the need and following your heart! ~Aurelia
monkeyinpajamas wrote: the recent past ihave become more aware than ever of the bad times people go through when they lose jobs or face economic crisis.that was really great of you.

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