Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Best Buds

--by Angel4eva, posted Oct 20, 2007
When my new neighbour moved in I did not want to meet her as I am shy. So I just watched her move in hoping that one day my shyness would go away and I would be able to meet her because she seemed so nice.

One day my neighbour told my mum that she was having a barbecue. My mum told me and I said I would go. While I was getting changed I started to have second thoughts about the barbecue but I reminded myself that this would probaly be the only chance I would have to get to meet her  properly. So I went  and bonded with my neighbour and had a great time.

So the week after I decided to make her some jelly . But when I gave it to her I ran back to the house because I was still a bit shy but before I got to the door she thanked me. A week later I decided I would make her some biscuits and this time I didn't run away instead I stood there blushing.

And now a month later we are like best buds!!! 
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Readers Comments

Ynco wrote: WOW, you are not shy at all, you did what a shy person would never do. I'm very proud of you and about the blushing...... it makes you look so healthy. Taking action makes no room for thoughts like 'what will he/shr think of me' and that's exactly what you did.

Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability ! Warm greetigs Ynco
Flipper wrote: It is hard to overcome shyness but, most of the time it is well worth it! Thumbs up to you!
AURELIA wrote: Good for you for being so brave and kind. Making new friends can be hard especially if you are shy. I'm glad you kept at it and made friends with your new neighbor. She is lucky to have you living next door! ~Aurelia
bhappy wrote: The first steps are always the hardest, but you did it, Good for you....Have A Sunshine Day...Becki
JuneBug wrote: How nice of you to dowhat you did! Next time don't be so shy...I know it feels akward, but just smile and things will be fine...I'm glad you made a friend! That's very important....:}

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