Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Angel and a Pepsi

--by marebear, posted Oct 25, 2007

I was not employed at the time and I was getting help from the government by getting food stamps.  One day, I was walking to the store when I noticed a little man sitting on a bench across from the store.  I walked past him but could not stop thinking about him. 

I turned around and went up to him and asked him if he was ok. He said no.  He said he hadn't eaten in 2 days.  I told him, "Dont worry, I'll be right back."  I turned back again and asked him what he would like.  He said it didn't matter.  I then asked him to tell me what he hadn't had in a long time.  He said "a Pepsi".  I went into the store and got  him a loaf of bread, some lunch meat, chips, cookies -- enough food for a few days.  The store I had gone into didn't have "Pepsi" so I had some change; it wasn't much because I wasn't working but it didn't matter. I used the last of what I had to get him his Pepsi from the 7-11 across the street. 

When I brought him his food and his "Pepsi" he cried. I cried too.  But when he stood up to hug me, I noticed that the bench he was sitting on, had an inscription on it:  "In God we trust."

I have walked past that bench every day and never ever noticed the inscription.  When I hugged this man, I had a feeling I never felt before. I can't even explain the feeling.  I started walking home with tears running down my face but when I turned back to see the little man, he was gone.  This is why I think He was an angel from God.

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Marebear, you just experienced compassion:


To feel with Compassion is a Deep,
Gut-level feeling of Caring,
A strong desire to be a support to that person.

Congratulations for following your heart! ~Aurelia
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Marebear, good for you in taking the time to make a difference. I'm sure the man watched many, many people walk by with no regard for him. Thanks for caring!
fatma wrote: WOW what a great story. I really liked it thanks for sharing it :)

You are so kind and sweet. I am sure that you had tears because you were so happy :)

Have a good day!
Angel4eva wrote: thats wonderful
jaya wrote: Well done dear... I would rather say that you were an angel for that man.
Flowers wrote: Wow!
kenneth wrote: that's a really inspirational moment. keep God's love always in your heart
Norman wrote: We have entertained Angels unknowingly and yours for sure is an attestation to this. Thanks for sharing
brighteyes wrote: I agree with first reaction after reading your story was a:
HUGE WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a loving ,compassionate person you are who is in contact with her higher self (the God within) and how cool that she was awareness and motivated enough to respond ....even using the last of her money to help others.


Thanks for inspiring me to more acts of kindess! Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
greeneyes wrote: Your story just sent shivers up my spine. Wow what a wonderful thing you did here. I often think of all the blessing we miss in life when we don't take the time do do what are heart tugs at us to do. You made this mans' day and thru my own tears you have made a big difference in choosing your acts of kindness for him. Keep up your acts of kindness for you are a beautiful person.

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