Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Angel and a Pepsi

--by marebear, posted Oct 25, 2007

I was not employed at the time and I was getting help from the government by getting food stamps.  One day, I was walking to the store when I noticed a little man sitting on a bench across from the store.  I walked past him but could not stop thinking about him. 

I turned around and went up to him and asked him if he was ok. He said no.  He said he hadn't eaten in 2 days.  I told him, "Dont worry, I'll be right back."  I turned back again and asked him what he would like.  He said it didn't matter.  I then asked him to tell me what he hadn't had in a long time.  He said "a Pepsi".  I went into the store and got  him a loaf of bread, some lunch meat, chips, cookies -- enough food for a few days.  The store I had gone into didn't have "Pepsi" so I had some change; it wasn't much because I wasn't working but it didn't matter. I used the last of what I had to get him his Pepsi from the 7-11 across the street. 

When I brought him his food and his "Pepsi" he cried. I cried too.  But when he stood up to hug me, I noticed that the bench he was sitting on, had an inscription on it:  "In God we trust."

I have walked past that bench every day and never ever noticed the inscription.  When I hugged this man, I had a feeling I never felt before. I can't even explain the feeling.  I started walking home with tears running down my face but when I turned back to see the little man, he was gone.  This is why I think He was an angel from God.

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Readers Comments

bookworm58 wrote: The story is very special , thanks for sharing it with us.

I also feel good about helping people even tho i am on a tight buget i try to help anyway. They appreciate the help so very much.
mr.flo396 wrote: That was very inspirational
flowerpower wrote: As all christians know god works in mysterious ways. This was one of god's works through people. Spread kindness everyone, and thanx for the post:)
patsgirl wrote: What a lovely story, i hope if ever i am down on my luck there will be a person like you to help.
God bless and i pray you are blessed in life.
lmil1954 wrote: Luke 6:38...give and it will be given to you, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap.
You received more than you gave thay day, didnt you? God Bless you!
jojomcb wrote: i actually right at this time am one step away from being completely homeless
if not for the grace of God go I.
God bless you.................
Lovebug wrote: You have been blessed, to be aware of how God uses the untouchables is amazing to me. I have to respond to EePee, not only in Austria, but here in the USA it is illegal to beg and I have to admit I do break the law, I give anyway. I will pray that you also break the law, and give everything you have
tifany wrote: this pease of peotry is very good.
bae6 wrote: i think it is wonderful at this time of
the year that you choose to help out one
of the homeless who really needed
is my gift of 10 karma bucks.
EePee wrote: THANKS for sharing this moving experience.
We never ever know the implications that a small kindness can do.
Although begging is against the law here in Austria, I always give something to those illegal beggars, because it could have been me is that situation.
I believe what I give without any ulterior motive comes back.

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