Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Roundtable Dinners

--by Aurelia, posted Oct 27, 2007

A very close friend of mine has two older parents who have been very sick and in the hospital. Her Mom has alzheimers and her Dad has diabetes and just had surgery on his legs. She was able to make arrangements for them to come to her house when they left the hospital, but this is now an additional responsibility for her in addition to her own family.

A bunch of us (9 friends) got together and came up with a calendar of dates for us to take turns making dinner and delivering it to her house. (Thank goodness for email!) It'll be one less thing she will have to worry about while she establishes a routine and things settle down for her. This way she will know they are eating healthy foods and she can tend to her parents needs.  I'm so happy to be part of this effort.

MANY HANDS make LIGHT WORK.  If we all do our part, it's easy!

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Readers Comments

faizan wrote: It is very thoughtful!! to help someone in this phase of life. I wish there are more people like you in the world to make it a better place.
Lawrie wrote: That is real sweet and will spread kindness and blessings.
luv2help wrote: That is wonderful,aurelia. God bless you!
lynn wrote: Bravo!
Thanks for a GR8 IDEA!
bibirose wrote: You are an amazing lady, bless you heaps & more again. Shalom from Bibirose.
keshavarao wrote: what wonderful collective kindness congrats for your your inspiring act of kindness
rockl35 wrote: Thank you for sharing how a simple act can make all the difference. I am sure that though her burdens are heavy you have made them lighter. Bless you and your friends.
Temair wrote: It is wonderful for all of you to take the time to help her with the meals I know it can be tedious
EePee wrote: I thank you so much for sharing such a great experience; I am sure you all feel wonderful because giving is truly better than getting.
chelaji wrote: Aurelia: It is great how you all got together to do this. All of us are stronger than one of us.

I am touched since my parents are away and there a lot of people like you who help them and gain my KarmaBucks :)

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