Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Christmas With My Son

--by Anon, posted May 5, 2006
I have a five year old son and two 18 month old twins and especially at Christmas time I wanted them to truely understand what the act of giving was all about. So I made a list of people that were less likely to recieve gifts or love and let my five year old chose who we would give gifts to.

He chose homeless people. We purchased some large inexpensive gift bags and filled them with canned goods, used warm socks, new toothbrushes, bars of soap, candy bars, and many other surprises, but to my surprise my son came in with his piggy bank and said they could have his money. We filled several plastic bags with coins and I slipped in a few dollar bills, and we put all the bags in the trunk of the car.

It was several days before we saw a homeless person pushing a cart down the main blvd. and fortunately my son was with me and we pulled over and gave the bag to a man who started to cry when we wished him Merry Christmas. I have never forgotten the look of gratitude on his face and neither has my son.

We have now done this for three years on my sons request.
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Readers Comments

mel37865 wrote: How wonderful!
jaydeebug wrote: A beautiful lesson for your son. Bless you
beetoote wrote: Your children have great teacher.
jsmc10 wrote: Beautiful, fantastic :)
thaata wrote: Children are love epitome and truly care for others irrespective of everything else. You and your son are wonderful and hope that last christmas was beautiful for him and the next one will be much beautiful one.
TXWildflower wrote: Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. You have given me another great way to use my smile cards! I know your gift bags were greatly appreciated!
Golden Courage wrote: Help those in need, and heaven will help you whenever u need help. I believe there's nothing you'll lack. Keep on the good work.
thaata wrote: Children learn from home first and then from society. Your son has a true angelic heart. Kudos to you and to your lovely son who brought happiness to others and felt happy yourselves.
Guz wrote: Amy - thank you so much heather! I love the slide show and pictures. Couldn't be ihepapr with how everything turned out. What a wonderful way to remember our wedding!
Santhosh wrote: You are really blessed with a good son. Love your story.

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