Readers Comments
Suzi wrote: What a wonderful witness to your son! God bless you both!
chacha wrote: i wish we would all learn to teach our children the acts of kindness.these can help to change entire generation. May God double your kindness and love for others.
Rozita wrote: This story shows that your son's heart is filled with love, beauty and a natural yearning to help those who are unfotunate at such a young age, which is truely a rare and beautiful gift. Your son is a true role that everyone should commend and follow. I wish all the happiness and success in the future for him and yourself and family, for what you are doing is such an amazing act and never forget that those who you help will always have you in their hearts and maybe even in their prayers. Truely, God bless your son, you and your family.
Sarah wrote: A pick up truck in Myrtle Beach SC with a Dad and two children, a girl and a boy was handing out five dollar bills to homeless people. the father must have been teaching his children the real meaning of Christmas.
Elliott wrote: Hello,In the past years my son and I who is nine and I have been raising on my own for 7 years have taken in a family in need.It has been one heck of an adventure in january of this year i was diagnose with hemangeomas of the spine and it looks like I will be in a wheel chair before next christmas.I have always had a good carer,but this christmas is going to be tough I have explayed this to my son and he keeps telling me GOD will make it work.For the first time in my thrity seven years I am totaly broke because of my health and I am not the type to ask for any help.But I will ask for all to pray for him to have some kind of christmas.Thank you all for your prayers because sometimes the givers of good things needs a prayer of help them selfs.
genesis4kt wrote: How very sweet. Your son is a fine example of unselfishness and a charitable heart. That was a very kind thing that act that you and your son did to benefit others. I would have cried when the homeless man cried. God bless you and yours. :)
sabriina wrote: This is a wonderful story, i enjoyed reading it.
Tessa wrote: Absolutely beautiful! We once went to a yard sale and we had small cokes in the truck and a box of peanuts, me,my daughters and husband gave the couple that was there a coke and a pack of peanuts each. It made them so happy and it made us feel really wonderful to have made their day! On a different occasion at the park we gave a mother and her son something drinks because her son was thirsty. It makes us feel more happy to give then to receive. God is so wonderful i can't explain but, i can say glory hallaluha praise his holy name.
I am blessed, i am blessed, everyday that i live i am blessed, when i wake up in the morning, til i lay my head to rest, i am blessed, i am blessed.
I am blessed, i am blessed, everyday that i live i am blessed, when i wake up in the morning, til i lay my head to rest, i am blessed, i am blessed.
Santhosh wrote: You are really blessed with a good son. Love your story.