Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lost & Found On the Streets of Turkey

--by AlbanyKate, posted Oct 31, 2007
I'm a study abroad exchange student from New York studying in Turkey.

A few days ago, I was feeling really down and homesick when I found five lira on the ground (the Turkish currency). The five lira cheered me up so much that I decided to try and spread the wealth to make people smile.

Around the corner, is a little boy who sells bottled water all day and has a bathroom scale that you can pay to use. I'm sure he works for his family so I wanted to bring him something that could be all his.

I bought a candy bar at the store.

When I passed him, I tried to give him the candy bar. He smiled, but he didn't understand. I don't speak much Turkish, so my friends told him in Turkish that I didn't want it anymore and asked him if he wanted it. He looked stunned. He insisted I take a water or take the candy bar back. Since he wouldn't take it from me, but was smiling, I left it on the ledge right next to him and we said goodbye.

He shouted back in Turkish "Well what am I supposed to do with it?"

My friends laughed and shouted back "Eat it!".

I wonder if he ever did eat that candy bar. :)

Tonight I'll try and do some more interesting things with the rest of the five lira!  Someone lost a currency note, but I found a perspective.
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Readers Comments

Hopeland wrote: I am also from Turkey and i'm really trying to spread karma in Turkey:) I hope we'll make bigger differences in the future
Alraisi wrote: Thnx For Sharing...!!! Keep It Up...!!!
AURELIA wrote: AlbanyKate, What a cute story. You are experiencing a different way of life, aren't you? I'm so glad you have a kind heart and are looking for ways to share with others. That little boy now knows there are giving people in the world. Good for you. ~Aurelia
Angel4eva wrote: thats so nice shame he didn't understand you though!!
skdeep wrote: you have really good thought, that does not matter that the good cause you was doing was not understood by other but, clarity in your mind should always be there, on the other hand keep doing good deed always.

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