Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Best Dollar I Ever Spent

--by lorichelle, posted Nov 3, 2007

I am a resource officer at a school district.  Last year I met one little boy in particular to whom my heart just went out to. 

He would talk to me every single day, and always seemed to have a smile on his face.  He has a problem with stuttering extremely bad when he tries to talk.  It's really hard sometimes to understand what he is saying, although he loves to tell you big tales! 

Well, this morning, I was talking to a couple teachers who were running the school store.  He stopped by and said hello to all of us.  They told me after he left that he stops every day they are there and asks them if they will be there the next day.  But of course, he never has the money to be able to buy anything. 

I decided I would get him a little something just as a surprise.  So, I picked out a pencil, a little grip thing, and a small notebook.  The kids were all out at recess, so when he came back in, we pulled him to the side. 

I cannot describe the look on his face when I gave him just the three little things (that cost exactly $1.00) that I had gotten him.  Then, without a stutter in the world, he loudly said, "Thank You so much"  then just kept repeating thank you, thank you.  He gave me a big hug before going off to class. 

I know I was teared up, just watching someone appreciate something that much.  As he walked off, he was showing his new "stuff" to another of the kids walking to class.  I have to say that I have never spent one dollar that would mean so much to me.

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Readers Comments

Augustine Brown wrote: God wants us to help others because it is better to give than recieve. May god bless you.
cindy wrote: God bless you for your kindness
Ayubowan wrote: Yes, it is the small things that make the biggest impact on others and ourselves.

Thank you for sharing this.
krishan lal chhabra wrote: there is nothing like bringing smile on some one's face. if u have neither money nor time to help the needy in this world,the least u can do is to give smile to whom so ever u come across.
thans for sharing ur loveable eperience.
Taiswa wrote: That is commedable to all human kind.It is in giving that the world becomes wonderful and friendly.To make someone happy by giving a hand is like little angles that remains us how to fly when our wings have forgotten on how to fly.
Betty wrote: If everyone cultivated this basic attitude, what a different place this world would be! We can develop eyes to see that we can "give" in different ways - of ourselves, forgiveness, a helping hand, a hug, a little time, one's presence...... endless. We are most like God when we give. This is the "image" of God that we were made in - a spiritual image that keeps giving.
Jules wrote: So sweet!
churro wrote: that was such a sweet thing... sometimes we don't realize when the opportunity is given to us... we have to keep our eyes open and reach out with what we can.
thank you!
Jani wrote: :D
Reading this story made me feel so happy; it's really amazing how simple things can make big differences, but few people realize that.
niki wrote: everything will be okay in the end,
if its not okay,
its not the end.

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