Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Remembering Birthdays

--by jaya, posted Nov 4, 2007
I have this habit of remembering birthdays of all the people I know, whether they're my friends or foes.  Birthdays are the days when we can make the other person feel that they are really special and making them happy is my motive.

Last August 6, it was one of my friends birthday and I remembered and sent  her an SMS text message and also spoke to her.   She was stunned and surprised to hear my voice even though I hadn't spoken to her in four month or so.  She was too happy and said that she dint expect my wishes.. and that I had made her feel really special.

I know I didn't do anything big but that little phone call made all the difference. Birthday was hers but I was the one left feeling happy!
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Readers Comments

warmth wrote: great work, very true jaya, a small gesture can bridge so many gaps. Thank u for sharing this beautiful experience :)
tenderheart wrote: sweet. good for you. I know what you mean. everyone should feel special on their birthday. no matter whether they are you friends or not. It was very sweet of you to made her day. :)
AURELIA wrote: Very nice of you to reach out and touch her heart. You are very sweet.:)~Aurelia

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