Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Friend, Howie

--by roxanne916, posted Nov 7, 2007

Actually, he started out as my step-dad's best friend since they were 5 and 6 years old, respectively.  They grew up in New York City.  Howie's home life was not good, very troubled. 

Still, he grew up to be a fine man, worked hard, married, and had two children.  His wife divorced him when the children were small and he kind of drifted through life, working, but no real focus.

I was almost 6 when my mother and stepfather met (again) and decided to make a life together.  Howie said to my dad, "You are going to live with her (meaning my mother)?  She has a kid, the kid will be an anchor and slow you down."

Howie would come over our house and eat dinner and spend time there.  I guess I kind of grew on him.  He taught me how to play checkers and we got along just fine. 

At the time, I did not know that he was functionally illiterate.  I would sit with him and do my homework, and I thought he was helping me with it, when all along, I was his literacy tutor!

When my dad went into the hospital for blood clots, my mother was all upset, trying to find a sitter for me when she went to visit him.  She called Howie to let him know my dad was in the hospital, and he came over to watch me so that my mom could go see my dad.

Over the years, our relationship grew.  He actually connected with his children.  I guess he felt comfortable from being with me.  He would take his daughter and I different places, and then he would go other places with her.  He would also do different activities with his son.

Howie's mother passed away in 1994.  His siblings are a group of, well, they are different.  They took over the funeral arrangements and the only contact they had with Howie was when they needed money.  His ex-wife showed up to the funeral and they treated her like she was the queen.  Howie and his new wife were shunned.

The service was to begin and everyone took their seats.  Howie's wife sat in the back, and my parents sat in front of her.  Howie was sitting by himself, so I sat down next to him and held his hand.  He told me that I was his guardian angel.

I feel that my purpose here on earth was to help Howie re-establish a relationship with his children.  Thank you for reading this.

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: What a rough time he has had. You are his angel on earth. Your kindness warms my heart. :) ~Aurelia
lovebug wrote: I offen wonder. If we are all created in Gods image, why are we so cruel? It does not compute in my ignorant mind. A mystery, none will ever understand. My compensation in life, is I meet many earth angels. I don't believe in accidents, I think everything has a purpose, but I am to ignorant to understand, so I use faith to keep me going, until God decides to give me some light. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story.
Tigerlily wrote: Oh, that is so beautiful! We all have missions; sometimes one person is a great part of our mission. God bless you and Howie too!
Angel4eva wrote: How wonderful it is to meet new friends
lynd wrote: "blessed are the children",... what a gift they are!... and a blessing you were to Howie who wasn't so loved...."for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"....and "unless you become as one of these...." Magnificent!.... cheers to you both...Don't you just love how precious caring kindness is....
akbj wrote: Your last paragraph really made me see the point of the story. What started as children grew into something altogether different, & special. Bless you both
greeneyes wrote: What a beautiful story. We never know in life who will touch the lives of another and how special it will be to them or to us.
Norman wrote: I often believe that friendship is a full time job, you perfectly demonstrated this to Howie.God bless and thanks for sharing
smoothsugardoll wrote: we all have many purposes. there are so many out there that still need you You are special let God use you for his glory blessings always to you.
loretta wrote: Thank you for being there for Howie. He sure needed you. Blessing being sent your way.

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