Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Blackberries From An Old Lady

--by swirly023, posted Nov 7, 2007

During a day at work, a nice old lady walked in with her dog. She's a regular customer and usually very kind. I always imagine her to be the kind of lady who gets along with everyone, her dog even seemed to like the fact that she talked to him all the time!

As she walked over to the counter she asked me: "Do you like blackberries?" And she held out a plastic sack filled with blackberries. She told me she just picked them nearby, and told me to go get a napkin. As I put the napkin on the counter, she shook some blackberries out of the plastic sack, put them on the napkin, and heartily said, "Enjoy".

It was such a small gesture, but what a great way to spread some joy! I really enjoyed those berries, and the lady's kindness was also very refreshing.

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Readers Comments

katlampi wrote: Aww this is very sweet! I agree with akbj: it's not about the blackberries, as much as the gesture of giving them freely and without solicitation.
akbj wrote: I like this story. It's not the blackberries themselves, it's the concept behind what that woman did. She spread her joy, & in giving you some of what she had picked, she gave to you of her time.
Angel4eva wrote: great although i am not very fond of blackberries mind you i'm not very fond of a lot of things

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