Stories of Kindness from Around the World

It's a Small World

--by Christina Jones, posted Jan 17, 2006
After work one day I was using a pay phone to call a friend. I found a wallet wrapped in tissue. I looked through it and it was a man's wallet.

I decided to try to reach the owner but couldn't find anything to but credit cards. So i called the credit card company and explained what happened and gave them my name and phone number. Looking in the wallet a little further I found one of those identification cards you fill out when you get a wallet.

I took a chance and called the phone number listed and got the man's wife. I gave her my name, phone number and office address so that her husband could meet me to pick up his wallet.

She thanked me and told me he was looking for it and asked me if his money and theatre tickets were still there. I said I'm sorry but no. She thanked me and we set a time for her husband to see me the next day.

The next day the man came to my office and we met sat down and talked for awhile. I gave him his wallet and he thanked me for going the extra mile to get his wallet back to him. The credit card company had alerted him that I called. He gave me a hand drawn boat and a card. That touched me.

But the second thing that happened caught me by surprise. The man with the wallet was a client with our company.
1971 Reads

Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Huh! Small world, thanks for being so honest :)
Jolene wrote: That was God.
Toni wrote: Aww...that was so nice of that person to give that man his wallet back!

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