Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Picking Up the Phone!

--by LIVID, posted Nov 12, 2007

Last night my phone rang.  Seeing who it was on my caller-id, I did not answer it.  The guy calling is married to the neice of my ex-partner.  Just six months ago, I was separated and had a tough enough time getting over it without being reminded through visits by her relatives!

The phone rang again this morning, it was the same person calling, and again, I didn't answer.  Then, I got to thinking, "Why would he call me?  We were never close friend or anything."

Still, something inside me told me he needed to talk so I called him back.

He told me he was going for a run and would love drop-in for some coffee.  I said, "Of course, it will be good to see you".  Within five minutes he was on my doorstep as he had been looking for my house and was not sure which one it was. I was a bit guarded, wondering why he wanted to see me. Maybe he was checking to see if I had someone else in my life so that his wife could report back to her Aunt.

We had a good chat, and it was clear that he just needed someone to talk to.  He has depression and I don't know if he knew I have the same condition, but we had a good chat about it and I shared my experiences with him.  I think it helped. He seemed a lot happier when he left.   And his parting comment was "Would it be ok if I came to see you again next Sunday?"  I said  "Of course, any time.  We have more in common than I ever knew".

I will be looking forward to his visit next week and will definitely answer the phone the next time he calls.

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Livid, Good for you.Always follow your gut feelings. It sounds like you made a new friend. Maybe you can run next time also. :) ~Aurelia
Angel4eva wrote: So wonderful!
JuneBug wrote: If you suffer from depression, you know what it is like. I'm glad you listened to him...I'm sure he needed that and knew you would hear him out...:}

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