Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping That 'ex'tra Special Someone

--by Deccers, posted Nov 15, 2007
I had been dating this girl for seven months, and me and her had been getting very close. Seeing each other for days on end, spending every waking (and non-waking) moment together, and generally getting more and more involved with each second.

Then the unexpected happens: she dumps me!

To this day, I still don't know exactly why.  Something about her changing and wanting to move on.   Maybe she just wanted to "get" with other guys and everything -- she can be shallow that way.

At this point, I was pretty shook up, unable to accept that things had ended.  I was going through the classic stages y'know: denial, anger, going-to-my-ex-girlfriends-counselling-so-she-won't-be-lonely. yer, and so on. 

But less than a week after my first ever proper breakup, I'm around her, taking a car, a bus and a train to go help her.  With a load of our m8s, we both head to this massive music festival in Essex with other friends.  Even though it was killing me inside being with her but not "with" her, I stayed with her for the two days, lined-up with her for 45 mins so she could get autographs and pictures with her favourite band, and stayed in the same two-person tent with her so she wouldn't feel lonely.

It really killed me inside, but I'm glad I did it because it meant she could have a good weekend, something she deserves after the s*** she has been put through.

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Readers Comments

sanserif wrote: Dear Deccers, it's not an easy thing to help an "ex" right in the wake up of a break up. Your unconditional love has really touched me. You are simply great! May you find that special someone who truly deserves your love.
lmil1954 wrote: I'm so sorry this happened to, but as we live, we learn. You were very kind to stay with her after the break-up. Hopefully she learned some kindness from you. It is contagious, you know.
Lezah wrote: You are a fabulously sensitive guy but don't let somebody play you. There is somebody out there who is meant for you...somebody who will appreciate the sensitive and caring you.
Angel4eva wrote: Don't worry one day you will find that special someone who will make your life worth living you still have lots of time

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