Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Can't Buy At McDonald's!

--by JuneBug, posted Nov 18, 2007
This week-end my husband and I are leaving on vacation to North Carolina ... As you well know, planning is essential including cleaning out the refrigerator of food that will go bad.

Yesterday morning, my daughter calls to check -in and mentioned she was going to McDonald's to get a breakfast burrito.  I told her I had the items to make that in my refrigerator and I could make it for her. She said her daughter (my grandaughter) wanted pancakes. I said I had that too!

I invited my other daughter and her 3 girls as we ''cleaned'' out the refrigerator and it didn't cost them anything, plus I have less work to do! It was fun and everybody got their bellies full of burritoes, pancakes, sausage and fruit! 

Plus I made it with LOVE!  You can't get THAT  at  McDonalds! 
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Readers Comments

wonderful yossi wrote: I agree with the story. Many thing that you can make at home you cant get in a resturant or in a food shop so yo need to apriciate what you have at home.
Lovebug wrote: You are correct, You can't buy Love. It is a gift, you have it so be greatful.
Jules wrote: Splendid idea! Everything tastes better when made with conscious thought and LOVE! Have a wonderful vacation.
wayfarer wrote: Junebug, thanks for your enthusiasm!
How great is it when you can take something that otherwise might have gone to waste and use it to bring smiles to the faces of the ones you love? Fantastic!
lmil1954 wrote: That was a great idea and the best part was you got to spend the time with the kids before you left for vacation!
akbj wrote: You sound just like my mother, who is now gone, but that is exactly what she would have done. Thanks for making me smile, you are a terific mom & grand mom
ecochic wrote: freshly made food from home always tastes better than takeaways- good on you :)
katlampi wrote: awww that's very sweet of you! both economical and hoemade with love! :)
Teresa wrote: I bet that was one of the best days for your family. The best part is that they will remember that day and pass it on within their own families. They are the gifts that God has given us and they and times like those are priceless and one of the things that make him smile.
jojomcb wrote: how perfect of a morning was that for you. what a great idea and nothing better than have breakfast with family.

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