Readers Comments
EePee wrote: THANKS so much DancingDog for the great post.
katlampi wrote: This is very sweet! Sometimes the littlest gesture of understanding and attention can be the most meaningful!
JuneBug wrote: I love rocking chairs! I can rock and rock and just think...Maybe that's what the lady was doing. Reminencing....Thanks for the story. A good one!
Lovebug wrote: It does show kindness needs no words.
Jules wrote: Totally agree with all of the above. Companionable silence is sometimes all that is needed. Actions and thoughts speak louder than words eh!
akbj wrote: Thank you for the story, rocking with someone like that is so sweet, & to have that response was awesome.
FearOfTheDark wrote: That was a realy nice story. This world have become way to cynical.
Sarah wrote: i agree with tigerlilly- ur story brought tears to my eyes also. What a lovely story, thank-you 4 sharing
teresa wrote: My freind works at a senior home and he said that all most of the residents want is someone to just be there with them. Your story just confirms what he already knew. Thank you.