Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Thanks For Rocking With Me!

--by dancingDog, posted Nov 17, 2007
There was once an elderly, despondent woman in a nursing home. She wouldn't speak to anyone or request anything. She merely existed - rocking in her creaky old rocking chair.

The old woman didn't have many visitors. But every couple mornings, a concerned and wise young nurse would go into her room. She didn't try to speak or ask questions of the old lady. She simply pulled up another rocking chair beside the old woman and rocked with her.

Weeks or months later, the old woman finally spoke.

'Thank you,' she said. 'Thank you for rocking with me.'"
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Readers Comments

EePee wrote: THANKS so much DancingDog for the great post.
katlampi wrote: This is very sweet! Sometimes the littlest gesture of understanding and attention can be the most meaningful!
speedi wrote: silent communication isn't it wonderful...
thanks for sharing this sweet story
JuneBug wrote: I love rocking chairs! I can rock and rock and just think...Maybe that's what the lady was doing. Reminencing....Thanks for the story. A good one!
Lovebug wrote: It does show kindness needs no words.
Jules wrote: Totally agree with all of the above. Companionable silence is sometimes all that is needed. Actions and thoughts speak louder than words eh!
akbj wrote: Thank you for the story, rocking with someone like that is so sweet, & to have that response was awesome.
FearOfTheDark wrote: That was a realy nice story. This world have become way to cynical.
Sarah wrote: i agree with tigerlilly- ur story brought tears to my eyes also. What a lovely story, thank-you 4 sharing
teresa wrote: My freind works at a senior home and he said that all most of the residents want is someone to just be there with them. Your story just confirms what he already knew. Thank you.

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