Stories of Kindness from Around the World

How Much Are You Short?

--by Nini, posted Nov 20, 2007
A few weeks ago I walked into a Zenex Garage to buy some milk.

When I turned around after taking milk out the fridge I saw an elderly man standing behind me with a small packet of mielie pap, a small bottle of Savlon, a small bottle of milk and a half loaf of bread. He was trying to hold everything and at the same time was counting his coins in his very shaky, bruised, cut hands.

I walked up to him and asked him how much he was short.  Stunned, he could not even talk.  Almost apologetically, he told me he had not recieved his pension money yet and needed a few small things for his family(himself, his wife and two kids) for a week while he waited for his pension to come in.

He did not know which of the items were most important to take but he clearly could not afford them all.  I discreetly handed him a R20.00 note and told him to buy what he needs.   He was moved beyond words, that he would be able to get a full loaf of bread and a bit more milk and still take the other things as his family would be living off this food for a week.

I wanted to do more but the mere fact that I had the opportunity to help someone truly in need, made me feel so good inside.
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Readers Comments

yemisio wrote: Your story brought tears to my eyes. God bless you.
Angel4eva wrote: Thats so wonderful its so great that you were as kind as to help that family your so kind
AURELIA wrote: You are amazing! This is such a touching story. I am so glad you were by him at the store and able to help him. You are truly a compassionate person. Thank you for being so nice. ~Aurelia
Lezah wrote: Your good heart will give you a good life! Proud of you! xx
nini wrote: Thanks Mommy

You made me the good person I am today...I am truly greatful.
wayfarer wrote: There's an old story of French village hit by an unexploded bomb during WW2. The bomb fell through the roof and knocked the outstretched hands off their statue of Jesus. The poor village debate replacing or repairing the statue - then decide to leave it as it is. Why would Christ need hands, the decided, when he had them?
You were his hands that day!
Well done.
lmil1954 wrote: Nini-you are beautiful and this Thanksgiving I would like to give thanks for you are a shining light in our world. Thanks to ALL of you for giving!and wayfarer I love your story too!LindaM
Dr Siddiqui wrote: Thanks for sharing ur wonderful experience!That day u grew in ur eyes!There are many in need of so little and they are respectful in not asking out of their humbleness.To spot at least one everday and offer an helping hand is such a nice little gesture of repaying to our brethern from God's bounties.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Good for you for making a difference. I'm sure the kindness you showed meant so much to him and his family. Bless you for seeing an opportunity to help and taking it!

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