Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Two Boys Knocking Our Car Window

--by Lezah, posted Nov 20, 2007

Last night my partner and I went out to get some take-aways.

While I sat in the car waiting for him, two little boys knocked on my car window.  I let them chat to me.  In that moment, I knew they needed me and so I listened.  They had no jerseys on and no shoes.  They were cold and tired.  They were selling cakes to bring money into their home for food.  They are a family of 6.  Their mom is ill with breast cancer and their dad has lost his job.  They have no food and very little clothing.

We bought most of what they had.  (Then gave it to a hungry person at a traffic light on our way home.)  We also bought them each a burger, they were hungry.  They needed to go back home and for this they had to take a taxi, late at night.  My heart went out to them when they said they may not go home until all their stuff was sold.  We spoke about their clothing situation, their shoes etc.

I said I would go back to the Centre today and see how I could help them with some shoes and clothing.  I did not want to give them money.

Their cute smiles and gratitude for the food is a picture that will be etched in my mind forever.  So little made such a difference to them.  I will be back and I will help them again.  We drove away watching them get comfortable at a table outside a restaurant, with two puffy and juicy, warm burgers clenched in their little hands.  In a few moments their tummies would be full at least.

God bless you, you special, beautiful little boys.

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: This made me cry! How wonderful you are! God bless them AND you!
raqui wrote: This is a touching story and I hope you continue to help them if you cant. With you behind them I am sure they will do so much better.
AURELIA wrote: Your kind acts are commendable. Your heart is in the right place. Thank you for making a difference in those little boys' lives. You're an angel in disguise. ~Aurelia
bibirose wrote: Your acts of kindness will stay with these young ones for the rest of their days. Multitude of God's blessings to you.
inspiringstories wrote: This is a great story..touched my heart, brought choke to my throat, melted my are so will be blessed by God even more. Keep up the good work!

wayfarer wrote: I'm lost for words ... and when you doubled the kindness by passing the cakes to a hungry person ... wow! You shining bright STAR!
lmil1954 wrote: Just goes to show how grateful we should all be for our shoes, our burgers and all the little things we take for granted. Bless your heart Lezah.
mermangel wrote: when i tuck my children in tonight i will think of those two litte boys and their mother and pray that they are all warm and comfortable and well fed. and send blessings to them and to you for your kindess and grace.
lOVEBUG wrote: I have been blessed in many way, but I doubt it is possible to count them all, when I think about it all, I find it is the small blessings that give me the most joy, like being able to help others

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