Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Little Doll At A Garage Sale

--by chitru, posted Nov 25, 2007
Recently, we had a garage sale as part of our fundraising efforts for a local organization that helps the old and lonely people. We have monthly meetings, picnics, shows etc.  and not all are senior citizens -- some (like my friend and myself) are young & enthusiastic members! :)

After midday at our garage sale, and after some successful sales, we were all relaxing when an young girl walked in.  She looked as though she had very little money with her, and looked around & picked up a doll & came up to me asking for its price.  

I knew she could not afford even the very reasonable priced doll but I did not want her to feel hurt or be belittled; so I counter questioned her: "How much do you have?"  She curiously opened her palm to show me 2 rupee coin that she was clutching.  I smiled at her and said, "Your lucky day.  That's exactly how much the doll costs!  You can pay the money in the first counter and then take the doll."

The happiness and self esteem that showed on her face cannot be written in words.  And I am extremely grateful to God for giving me the foresight to help the little girl without  hurting her pride.

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: How sweet and How aware your were. You are very special and that little girl is now very happy with her new little doll. Thank you for doing that for her. :) ~Aurelia
harry wrote: how sweet of you!!! there are a very few people like you in this world who want to keep others happy.
nice to meet you
Angel4eva wrote: Thats wonderful there's nothing better than seeing a smile on someone's face
chitru wrote: Thanks to Angel, Harry & Aurelia for the encouraging comments & enthusing me to do more kind to peoplel. love u all
Nickgrand wrote: Thanks for shearing and God bless!!
sanserif wrote: How many of us would have thought of doing such a thing! Dear chitru, by your act of generosity you not only made the little girl happy but also helped keep her pride intact. Really a big thing indeed!

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