Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Small Scoop Of Love

--by earthling, posted Dec 4, 2007
Last week, I was shopping for groceries at the local store. The specialty of the store is free stands where customers are given samples of new products.

Being an ice-cream lover, I gravitated towards the free ice-cream stand and the clerk in-charge gave me a big smile saying "You are lucky! This is really popular and this is the last cone I have to give away!"

I was happy too, until I turned around to see a toddler craning her neck up to see my cone with one hand pulling her Mom's dress. Disappointment was written all over her face. Apparently, Mom had just explained the idea called 'no more' to her.

I knelt down, extended the cone and asked if she'd like to have it.  Four faces lit up all at-once! And that tasted better than ice-cream :)
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Readers Comments

Rosh1227 wrote: That's true kindness!
rana wrote: Very sweet of you. Smile, kindness leave lasting impressions in one's character. She will certainly remember you for a long, long time. And am sure will do the same to others. Thanks for sharing
smurfy wrote: What a lovely gesture. Think of how that changes a childs view of the world!..for the good
mdadlaza wrote: Great stuff you did. You gave away something you loved so much and made somebody happy in the process.
akbj wrote: So nice that you noticed the little girl, many people would not have been paying attention. Really nice story.
keshavarao wrote: really wonderful experience, for a lovely act of kindness thankyou for sharing and caring
marilynn wrote: That was sweet. Would not have been able to eat that cone with little eyes watching, either!
ammu wrote: you guys are too nice :)
gwboocat wrote: Awesome! I hope I have an opportunity like that. An, hopefully it's when my son is with me. Being 6 years old, that kind of giving is somewhat foreign to him...

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