Readers Comments
sanserif wrote: Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story. Truly an eye opener.Every day we come across so many people doing menial jobs. Most of them don't have an option. But some do it with a smile and a lot of dignity like our Ramesh. They are the champions of the "Leading without title" brigade. And we all have a lesson or two to learn from them.
megumi wrote: Doing a job with dignity makes any job dignified. Bless you for sharing this.
katlampi wrote: That is quite a sweet story! I agree with megumi's comments about dignity -- sometimes the reason why we are doing the job and the way we are doing it can make even the most undignified job be one of dignity. thank you for sharing this wonderful story!
lmil1954 wrote: ThAnk you for your story and for your sweet spirit. You are a blessing and sometimes learning is a reward!
akbj wrote: Thank you for this story. Any necessary job deserves pride, & this man took pride in his work, & kept his eyes on the long view of what he was working for. I'm sure he will remember you as someone who took time to ask him about his life, & what you found out has made an impression on many people thru your story.
wayfarer wrote: Sounds to me like one real human being met another! Well done.
J Barrett wrote: Great story, and he is a great human being in my opinion. but i fail to see the relevance of the fact you/her are Indian
Muhammad wrote: Jai Hind! Proud to be Indian. May God bless the man with good in this world and the here-after.
brighteyes wrote: Every person is unique, every job is needed....all should be appreciate for who they are and the service they preform OMITTING ALL JUDGEMENTS.
THANKS for sharing this wonderfully inspirational was good food for thought..
THANKS for sharing this wonderfully inspirational was good food for thought..
cathy wrote: God uses such events to open our eyes and help us to realize that people who are in front of us are human beings and not the job they do. at times we forget that and considere others less than what we are. thank you for the courage of sharing this story