Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Gift For My Father

--by sahaja, posted Nov 29, 2007
Today, I am feeling for my father.  Its been 11 years since I've been married, since I left home. 

I want to confess that I have had a very troubled childhood.  Though born in an educated family, I had to  survive my mother's sudden death when I was five and the temper of my father.  My father was a very very short tempered man, though by heart he was not bad.  I had one big brother (two years elder), and my father used to beat us very badly for very small things.

After a year of mother's accident, he remarried.  My second mother also had two children of her own, and she controlled the whole house and my father.  Though she was not that bad, she was partial with me ... may be because I was not that good looking.  Even if my younger step-sister would abuse me, my father would scold me for that.  She always got what she wanted but I had to be satisfied with whatever I got.  My father never paid heed to this at that time.

Now, my father is an old man.  He is still egoistic but recalls some of the incidents of the pasts (which I have forgotten) where wrong things were done to me and tries to be as nice to me as possible.  Still, in the last 11 years of my marriage, I have never gifted him anything for his birthday or on any other occasion. 

So this coming birthday, I want to give him a good present.

This change has occurred to me because of this website.  Thank you all, for sharing.
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Readers Comments

Kirstenkp wrote: I beleive in redemption. Life is too short to harbor guilt and harsh feelings. Once you start to forgive, you will feel happier and more at peace.
mdadlaza wrote: What a sad story it sounds to me., but I am glad you have come into terms about it and you want to make up.
Fasiha wrote: Its indeed very difficult to forgive certain things which have altogether changed the meaning of your life making life a nightmare. And u have come out courageous and inspiring. Wish you HAPPY MOMENTS all along!
cindy wrote: God works in mysterious ways.
Smily wrote: Sudden and immediate changes are not like which happens in 1 sec, for them to happen, there is something in the back stage, our own needs of few/many things are the first one who stays there for us to meet them first. It depends on us only to fulfil our desires or give a hug, smile, kiss or pat on the back to tell goahead for others.... after all he is your father & may be the reason behind this is that now u r a father too. Any ways,.. its a very very good step. God bless you & all of us. take care
earthling wrote: Thank you for sharing this amazing story. Reminded me that love is so often about forgiving and courage.
aadi wrote: "God's always there for the needy and helpless." YOu would always have a trouble free life because of your frankness and honesty..wishin' you all the best.Happy times are yet to come:-)
katlampi wrote: That is very good of you to turn the other cheek! Forgiveness (or steps in that direction anyway) can be the greatest gift. Thank you for sharing this wonderful gesture!
tracey wrote: I think this is a beatiful gesture.

I know you will feel good about what you are about ro do. Also...your father will become more at peace with himself knowing you have forgiven him.

peace - tracey
irongrace wrote: this story is very powerful and makes me think: if we could all do that what a wonderful world we'd live in.

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