Readers Comments
AURELIA wrote: Dear Swift, That's a Super Story. You just taught someone how to pay it forward...good for you and Lucky for us to have another Kindness Guru to join our task force. :) ~AURELIA
tigerlily wrote: Wow! That's amazing. Thank God for Angels like you. I've been in rough situations like that and thankfully some angel always came to my rescue. Thank you for being somebody's angel.... and thank you for sharing! You are AWESOME!
anonimus wrote: swift...its people like you that make my faith in the Human Spirit even stronger...this world is full of beautiful people
Marita wrote: I am just amazed at how the pay it forward idea has grown from the time I first read about it in the book. I hope that we can continue to cultivate this in the next generation of young people and perhaps people will be less in fear of their neighbours.
katlampi wrote: I love stories like yours with the compounded kindness -- not only did you pick him up and give him a ride there, but you also gave him a ride back, and encouraged him to spend the money on his girlfriend! More importantly the fact that you reached out to someone in a difficult situation can really restore people's faith in humanity and the kindness of others. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us!
Tikit wrote: Man, that story just plain made me feel GOOD! Thank you for posting it, and thank you for being YOU.
Trudy wrote: I bet you changed that man's life. That memory will always be with him and he will pay it forward many times. Thank you for making a difference x
DALIS wrote: Yes, there are time when we are desperately in need of miracle like these, god always send an angle to our aid. That single act of kindness would have change alot of things around these fellow. Yap it does,i pray i can be a blessing to someone too.
Mary wrote: Thanks for the great reminder to pay it forward! We all value a $20 bill for what we can get for it. But, in the grand scheme of things, those 20 dollars given to that young man will produce priceless results! Great story!
bharnig wrote: Lovely and enlightening. Thanks for sharing :)