Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Ideas For Kids?

--by twiceblessed, posted Dec 5, 2007
My aunt just asked me for some kindness ideas, so I tossed together this list ...
  • Free Car Wash: I saw this story for a 10th birthday and it seems like a grand time!
  • Miles of Smiles: stand on busy street intersections with "smile" posters.  Non-stop fun. :)
  • Clean-up Public Places: help clean a beach or a local park, adopt a highway.  Extra credit if you can take some of that waste and create a public art piece (see garden-art from trash).
  • Balloon stand: hand out free balloons with smiley-art on the balloons and perhaps even on your faces. :)
  • Plant trees: visit Arbor Day Foundation -- "We inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees" -- to find local organizations that can help you plant.  You could also volunteer to help out with a community garden -- small plots of land, farmed collectively.
  • Lemonade stand: a gift-economy lemonade stand that has a role for people of all ages!  (On a related note, Stopping at Every Lemonade Stand is a great book that talks about lemonade stands as an investment in the next-generation's civic engagement and leadership).
  • Volunteer to mow your neighbor's lawn and clean up their yards.  Picking flowers from their gardens, you can flower arrangements that can be anonymously dropped off on various doorsteps.
  • Creatively share stories of inspiring kids.  Watch videos of inspiring kids like 6-year-old Ryan who started an entire movement of bringing clean water to African villages.
  • Collect unused greeting cards from family and friends, decorate them with personalized "have-a-nice-day" messages and send it to random addresses from the white pages, or give to someone unexpected.  Alternatively, you can make thank-you cards for the bus-drivers or other underappreciated public servants.
  • Visit a local orphanage or a homeless shelter, and do some activities with them.  You could also donate toys (some "old" and some favorites) to commemorate a birthday, or perhaps bake some brownies collectively and gift it to the group.
  • Issue a challenge to all kids to visit a mall and make someone's day for under 5 bucks.
  • Print out Smile-Stones poem, put smiley faces on some stones, put it in an envelope and hand them out to strangers in a public place.  Or leave them on tables at a coffee shop.  Depending on your budget, you can even hand out different things, like Raisinettes. :)
If you have any to add, do leave a comment and I'll keep this list updated!
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Readers Comments

Alraisi wrote: Nice list. These are very simple things but the effect will be very big. Thanx for sharing...!!! Keep It Up...!!!
Nakamura216 wrote: Adding to the Miles of Smiles idea. As an everday kindness act, you could decorate a piece of paper with smiles or just the word smile, and tape it to your car window or your bumper. I've seen some great responses from this. Also, it takes a bit more space, but you could put "Smile, It's Contagious" of course you would look up the spelling because I'm pretty sure that's not it.
AURELIA wrote: Great Ideas. I'm saving them. Thanks for sharing. :) Aurelia
harry wrote: wow that's a good idea .thanks for making such a list and sharing it with us
katlampi wrote: These are really great ideas! I especially like the part about lemonade stands :)
sydney wrote: This is a great list! I especially like the one about handing out free balloons with smiley-art on the balloons.

Another idea could be a free bake sale with smiley-art decorating the cookies and cakes.

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