Readers Comments
Alraisi wrote: Nice list. These are very simple things but the effect will be very big. Thanx for sharing...!!! Keep It Up...!!!
Nakamura216 wrote: Adding to the Miles of Smiles idea. As an everday kindness act, you could decorate a piece of paper with smiles or just the word smile, and tape it to your car window or your bumper. I've seen some great responses from this. Also, it takes a bit more space, but you could put "Smile, It's Contagious" of course you would look up the spelling because I'm pretty sure that's not it.
AURELIA wrote: Great Ideas. I'm saving them. Thanks for sharing. :) Aurelia
harry wrote: wow that's a good idea .thanks for making such a list and sharing it with us
katlampi wrote: These are really great ideas! I especially like the part about lemonade stands :)
sydney wrote: This is a great list! I especially like the one about handing out free balloons with smiley-art on the balloons.
Another idea could be a free bake sale with smiley-art decorating the cookies and cakes.
Another idea could be a free bake sale with smiley-art decorating the cookies and cakes.