Readers Comments
jomartin87112 wrote: This is such a lovely story on so many levels. Thank you
Geranium wrote: How lovely to solve puzzles together.
SeaMar67 wrote: Beautiful story. What a kind friend you are! I also struggle with tinnitus and sensory overload and i have indeed found that doing puzzles "in public" (mostly i do crosswords) to be a good activity for calming and focusing. And i do love when it becomes a slightly more social activity because someone is curious and wants to play :) do you happen to know a four-letter word for "plant juice often used in healing balms"?
Rajni Gohil wrote: Albert einstein's quote "only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile" is in action here. Very kind deed inspiring others. Thanks for sharing
seaelleff wrote: It's probably weeks too late -- but i think aloe is the plant juice used as a balm that you were looking for, seamar. :)