Readers Comments
teresauriarte wrote: Great story...god works in many ways..thanks for sharing this!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great story, thanks for sharing!
denim1951 wrote: That was a wonderful story for sure. That old lady needs a prayer too since she is too critical of a boys prayer. She indeed needed a ice cream to chill her out a little.
lovebug wrote: It was a great story, I do not like the adult world, the children know how to ask for ice cream. Thank God for the Child.
AURELIA wrote: What a lesson we all can gain from. God is always listening. Stating kids off at a young age to talk to God about everything is important. You never know when you'll really need to talk to God and that little boy will definitely lean on his faith if he ever has to because his parents are making him aware of His presence. And a good job they are doing...offering his icecream to the lady who was "mean" .
bibirose wrote: What a heart! I remember a few years back my hubby & I were in a cafe about to partake of a meal when I said to him let's say grace; a nearby custumer overheard me & grimaced at her son. I then proceeded to say a favourite grace of mine especially when we are out..."Heavenly Pa, ta!" The lady smiled & relaxed. And we enjoyed a lovely meal thank to our heavenly Pa!
shalom from Bibirose.
shalom from Bibirose.
brighteyes wrote: Blunt....great story....heard it before....not sure who the author is but worth reading again....aren't children great? Loved the way the parents and the elderly gentleman handled the situation as well!
tsholofelo wrote: That was too great! Children are so amazing. And GOD uses anyone, no matter how young or old you are.
pskenned wrote: I love it! I hope she thought twice about judging someone else's prayers. Kudos to your hubby!
lhatton wrote: Oh my. Not just tears to my eyes I am actually crying. Out of the mouths of babes as they say. And what a wonderful man to comfort your son.