Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Casual Day

--by Lezah, posted Dec 14, 2007

My daughter goes to a special needs school and every year they are involved with Casual Day.  This year I helped the school sell approximately 9000 tickets, with all my contacts, friends and family.

The smiles of appreciation, the children's laughter, the rewards .... enormous.

Today I decided my daughter had to look special on this special day ... I stuck gorgeous star stickers all over her face and put a T-shirt on her that says, "I may not be a STAR right now but I will be someday!"

The theme today is "Be a Star".  She is a star today, my star, my special, loving,gorgeous, angel child.

Here's to you today Brittany! We love you in unmeasurable quantities!

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Readers Comments

Tidings wrote: This is so wonderful.I hope one day when i get my own child i'll be able to ebcourage them like that.Keep up,great mom!
warmth wrote: It is so nice that u r encouraging ur child so much. She is a star already. U r a grt mom. Best wishes to u and ur sweet little angel :)
JuneBug wrote: I just sent in a story about how I didn't get alot of encouragment as a child and how important that is....You are doing a WONDERFUL job! I loved hearing it!

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