Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by Lover3, posted Feb 24, 2015
Compliments can be the easiest acts of kindness. I truly enjoy complimenting people I see every day. I like to think about what kind of compliment would make that person's day.

For the fashionista down the hall, it's fun to compliment her on her shoes. But maybe the person that just smiles all the time would like to hear, "You have such a nice smile!" Maybe the waitress that's working extra hard would like to be acknowledged.  My 5 year old loves to hear how she is the greatest artist EVER!

I'd have to say the greatest compliment I ever gave was to a very close friend. This friend just didn't see the amazing spirit that I see in him everyday. He had ignored or doubted all these wonderful emotions and actions he was capable of.

When I complimented him on all his wonderful attributes, it was like a light bulb went off and he had received that confirmation that he was all those things. Since then, he has embraced his true spirit and it grows everyday. I'm so happy to be a part of that.
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Readers Comments

Michele Purcell wrote: This is awesome. I just read a book about the noticer and was kind of like what you are doing. It is truly encouraging to note some people's attributes. Sometimes they don't see them as an attribute.
Good job! :)
sandyremillar wrote: Wonderful to help realize how wonderful god made us. Thank you for recognizing it on this person!

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