Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Dont Worry Be Happy

--by keepsmiling, posted Dec 14, 2007
This is one of the happiest songs I have ever heard -- Bobby McFerrin's Don't Worry, Be Happy.  Every time I'm down, I listen to this and I wanna share my happiness with you all.  Here's the video and below it are the lyrics to the song:

Don't Worry, Be Happy
Performed by Bobby McFerrin

Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......

Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy
The land lord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy
Lood at me I am happy
Don't worry, be happy
Here I give you my phone number
When you worry call me
I make you happy
Don't worry, be happy
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got not girl to make you smile
But don't worry be happy
Cause when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don't worry, be happy (now).....

There is this little song I wrote
I hope you learn it note for note
Like good little children
Don't worry, be happy
Listen to what I say
In your life expect some trouble
But when you worry
You make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Don't worry don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy


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Readers Comments

kenosha wrote: Thanks fo reminding about that song. The lyrics.....Cause when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down .....makes me think that by making yourself smile instead of frown around other people is an act of kindness
brighteyes wrote: Great story and love the video& music....when I was on a cruise with my gal pals many, many years ago, in Jamacia, all the natives said that, "Don't Worry, Be Happy!" and my buddies and me just loved the slogan and sentiment...I had a T-shirt that that slogan printed and wore it out!
Reeta wrote: That's so true. Put God in the driver's seat of your life and you don't you worry bout a thing. It's a GREAT RIDE!
smoothsugardoll wrote: thanks for sharing. I love this song too.
happygnome1 wrote: This is the best song I have heard, thank you, I had a friend many years ago, who used to say "Don't worry be happy" I lost touch with him now, but his words stayed with me for many years and now I find that they came from this lovely song. I wil certainly look it up and get it to listen when I start to worry about something.
babes wrote: such a nice and warming song, thanks for sharing it.
katlampi wrote: I've always loved this song! Another favorite is "Hakuna Matata" from the Lion King!! :) Great Message!!!
Taylor wrote: that was really nice and happy
anwahs wrote: I love that song too!
lhatton wrote: Ahhh this brings back memories.... Thank you for taking the time to share this.

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