Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Instant Pay It Forward!

--by earthling, posted Dec 15, 2007
We drove over to a friend's place to load up our car with boxes full of books. After driving a short distance, my husband realized that our rear tire was flat!

After some labor to set up the tire change, I went over to the garage sale next door for some entertainment -- a teenager was doing tricks on a short bike in their yard. He was really good. While watching him, something caught my eye -- a beautiful blue painting with lots of fish and dolphins. "My little son would love that," I thought, considering that he had just seen dolphins in Sea World.

Seeing my interest, the lady said, "A dollar for that."  I looked at it again.  It was surely worth more to me.  So I gave her the two dollars I had and when she was surprised, I told her the buck would travel farther if she wants to pay it forward. And she grinned saying she surely will.

As I was picking up the painting, the teenager came around, stylishly of course, and asked "How much?" The lady said, "Ten.  But since you showed some tricks, I'll give it to you for eight."  The lad smiled and dumped all the money he had in his pocket -- it came to seven dollars even and his smile disappeared.

The lady stepped up, put a dollar in his hand and said, "Here you go.  This lady paid extra so you can have the bike you are so good with."

We were all happy to be connected there and then.

As I was walking away, she called after me and said, "I didn't think I'll be able to pay it forward that quickly!"  We both smiled, waved and I joined my husband to finish up the tire change.  The boxes felt much lighter this time around.
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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: How nice! See how it works???!!!
keymaker wrote: For every thirst, the universe always seems to provide water. Even if that thirst is all about finding a way to serve someone. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story!
akbj wrote: Great story. The timing was so wonderful. God smiled on all of you.
lovebug wrote: God has smiled on us, that is why we have a group who give out smile cards. I will always be greatful, to Maryann, she is the one who indroduced me to the smile group
pacots wrote: what goes around comes around & that goes double for kindness great story.
makesomeonesmile wrote: That is great. It is always great when you can watch your kindness paid forward so quickly! Thanks for caring!
yogionthego wrote: Incredible. I probably would have cried on the spot! ha ha This is perfect for showing us to have more faith in positive energy and its' potential!
laurina wrote: Ah, the synchronicity of being in the right place at the righ time and doing the right thing! Thanks for sharing this story!
lmil1954 wrote: Thats so cool...and thats the way it goes...amen!
speedi wrote: How wonderful to see a good deed played forward and I am sure you started something in that small corner of the world..and most likely planted a seed in the mind of one of todays youths,,good on you..Thank you

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