Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Don't Take Anything For Granted

--by pattipleonard, posted Feb 25, 2015
I was racing around making a six figure income when I suffered a bursted brain aneurysm. Over a five year period I lost everything that I had worked for - home, savings and career and having to do a bankruptcy.

I am humbled and also grateful for being able to live. During this time I went into kidney failure - and a dear childhood friend has offered me her kidney! Can you believe this gift??!

Life is so delicate and precious. Walk softly.
1772 Reads

Readers Comments

suezrider wrote: I'm so sorry for your struggles. But I am glad you have such a wonderful, giving friend. Heal well. Be well.
babanam wrote: Blessings on your journey
mindyjourney wrote: What a wonderful and selfless gift you have been offered. Continued blessings and positive energy for healing :).
Mish wrote: Wow. Endless blessings of Love & Light for you.
forgetful_fish wrote: Very timely reminder! Hope you are better now.
marcyn2008 wrote: Yes. Walk softly indeed. <3
Darlene wrote: I hope you are doing better after such a struggle. What an amazing gift for someone to offer.
gloriousday wrote: Very moved by your story. I hope things are better now. What a gift - beyond generous. You are clearly so loved.

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