Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Daniel Hilcke's Bike

--by snowflake66, posted Dec 19, 2007
This is a story I read that is so touching and warm that I just had to share it with all of you. Hope it makes your day as it has made mine. :)

Hello, my name is Daniel Hilcke.

One day I was riding home from church, and I saw a young child that was crying; his bicycle had just been run over by a car, and the car had sped away. I remembered the pay it forward idea, and decided to give him my bike, which i just got for my birthday, from my grandmother just before she passed away.

I told him about the pay it forward idea, and about a week later, he was in the news for saving a bag of kittens, that had been abandoned in the local river. He had given the kittens a place to stay, and looked after them.

I hope other people find inspiration from this story, as it has changed my life, and the life of the young boy.

Yours Sincerely,

Daniel Hilcke

2124 Reads

Readers Comments

Nickgrand wrote: Thanks for shearing and God bless!!
senga988 wrote: What a beautiful gesture. I sure have learnt something from it.
AURELIA wrote: Thanks for reassuring us that it is by example that we learn. Our children need us to slow down and spend time with them...teaching them, loving them and exposing them to good simple acts. We will help our world be a better place. Our kids ARE depending on us.~Aurelia
akbj wrote: Wow, these children are examples to us all.

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