Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: Start 'em young! The world will be a better place! :}
lmil1954 wrote: Thats truly great!!! Merry christmas to you and your precious!
makesomeonesmile wrote: Good for you for showing your daughter the importance of random kindness so early! Thanks for caring!
Nellybelly wrote: Isn't it great to know that your children want to make people happy? When I got my smile cards, my 6 yo son asked for some and he's already given them out to the garbage men, our neighbor across the street, and his teacher. He says he likes seeing people smile.
brighteyes wrote: Smiles card give away will ensure that smiles and kind acts and inspiration will travel around the member actually had a site and was tracking what happened to the cards she gave out.....they truly traveled from country to cool is that?