Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Heart Glow

--by donnalotus, posted Mar 3, 2015
Last school year I held a teaching position working with 3rd to 5th grade boys with severe autism. It was a very challenging year due to a 2 hour per day commute on top of a rewarding yet exhausting day each day.

One of my instructional aides wrote me a beautiful card telling me how much he thought of me as a person and a teacher. He complimented me immensely by telling me that I was one of the best teacher's he had ever worked with. I felt honored and humbled and that compliment makes my heart glow even today.
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Readers Comments

the_tutor wrote: You are the one of angels on the earth. Thank you for your tme, patience and dedication. No words can express the honour you possess. Each second you give your soul to children, you get blessing from life. May you always be happy! :)))
cabbage wrote: God bless you for your dedication and positive presence.
I'm so glad that your colleague gave you that positive feedback!
Hugs to you!
sandyremillar wrote: I am sure you deserve such a recognition! The world needs more teachers like you!

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